Treatment of allergies

Once an allergy is diagnosed, there are two types of treatment:

Environmental prevention measures

The first measure to keep an allergic reaction from being triggered is prevention, i.e. avoiding contact with the causative allergen. However, this is not always possible, especially in respiratory allergies.

Symptomatic treatment

Other measures would be using drugs to treat symptoms. The drugs most commonly used in the allergic process are antihistamines, corticosteroids, nasal decongestants, eye drops, etc. Taking these drugs to treat allergic diseases manages symptoms on a temporary basis.

Immunotherapy or vaccines for allergies

Allergy vaccines, or immunotherapy, are the only treatments for allergic diseases available on the market that address the underlying cause of the problem. This treatment not only relieves allergy symptoms and decreases the number of drugs to be taken, but also alters the natural course of the disease.

The three pillars of treating allergies are: Avoidance of the Allergen, Treatment of the Symptoms and Immunotherapy Vaccines.

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